R.I.P. Old Me

R.I.P. to the old me. People die every day. The kind of death I’m talking about is the internal one. People die as soon as they stop being themselves. And to tell you the truth, I’ve been dead for twenty years. 2015 is the year when I became alive. I rose from the depths of mind-corrosion from society and peers. This year—this summer specifically—I stopped giving a fuck. I started my path to accept myself completely. Living my life to fit other peoples’ agendas is not the way I want to live anymore.

I’m tired of not being myself. All of those fears end this year! It must end and it will.

The old me was conditioned, programmed, and didn’t think for herself. The old me worried about what other people thought and what their opinions were. The new me—which is the REAL me—is embarking a journey that I should have done once I left the womb. The real me started and will continue to find the truth.

From now on, I will live my truth and follow my intuition. I intend to accomplish the purpose I was reincarnated for. Now that I’m awake and aware, every action I take will be a meaningful one. Each action will lead me closer to my core and my destiny.